《英雄联盟lol》设计师Morello爆料:下一位AP新英雄技能 操作难度很大

吕云 2014-01-08 互联网

《英雄联盟lol》设计师Morello爆料:下一位AP新英雄技能 操作难度很大






释放冲击波,在法术尽头会蔓延成一道墙(dream of the wall),持续约1秒。触到墙的英雄将会晕眩1秒。


对前方拋出一个直线方向的锁链,锁链会伤害击中的所有单位,造成缓速效果。距离越接近的敌人缓速效果会较明显。拋出的锁链顶端会钉在地上一段时间,这段时间内英雄可以带着锁链移动。如果锁链击中了Q技的墙壁(dream of the wall),会勾住墙壁并且延长Q墙的持续时间1秒,并且可以再次使用W将自己拉向墙壁。







Initial setting for the new champion:

Passive: Ignore unit collision, and the magic penetration of the champion will be increased according to the health he/she loses.

Skill 1: Release a beam of shock wae, and it will spread and form a wall and leve the Void Wall lasting for one second at the end of the spell range or when you cast it next time. All units touching the wall will be stunned for a short period.

Skill 2: Throw a chain in the straight line direction, damaging all units hit by the chain and adding a slow effect. The closer the unit is to the chain, the more obvious slow effect he will receive. When the chain reaches its range, it will be pinned to the ground for a short period during which the champion can move. The chain will stop its motion after hitting Dream of the Wall, pinning and extending the duration of the wall. Skill 2 can be activated again, and you can use the chain to pull yourself to the wall.

Skill 3: Take the champion as the center, and he/she pulls the chain, knocking back enemy units in a sall scale and damaging them. If the chain has been pinned to the ground, the attack area will be the round area with the champion as the center and the pinning location of the chain as the radius. If the chain is pinned to the wall, it will move along with the wall, all enemy units touching the wall will be stunned again.

The designer notes that the skill is no easy to cast, and position matters a lot to the skill. If you are in a different location, your attack area will be quite different. Besides, the chain can be pinned to any location on the wall, namely, if you pin the chain to any end of the wall, and your chain and the wall form a straight line during the duration of the wall, the attack area will be quite huge – the length of the chain + the length of the wall. Thus you can cast the contol in a wide area.

Skill 4: Cast his/her power of void to a large area near him/her, and create the void area, damaging all units touching power of void. The closer the enemy is to the champion, the more damage he will receive. The champion can deal more damage when he/she stands in the area.

The champion will be another famous AP for difficult operation after Syndra and Zed if he/she will launch as planned. From the current skills we can see that his/her conrol is quite unsteady, and it’s activation mechanim is similar to that of Leblanc and Syndra while the skill to output damage is a little bit similar to that of Zed.


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