
吕云 2014-02-28 互联网
英雄联盟是一个以团队作战的游戏,各个不同位置的成员的能力决定了整个团队的战斗力。一个聪明的玩家知道自己应该在队伍中所走的位置。那么你真的知道如何游戏中五个位置如何分工的么?I need to say that League of Legends is a team-based game, and the ability of the weakest member decides how powerful the team is. A wise player will be able to drive the team regardless of w ...


Support: You're the support for the whole team rather than the marksman, and you need to know clearly locations of opponent wards, time to place them, respawn time of baron and dragon while laning. Don't be too far away from your marksman and make sure he's safe before placing wards. A good support can be the strong backup for a marksman to carry. The support is as important as the other roles and a weak support can be the breakthrough of enemies.


Marksman: The most important thing for you to do during laning is to last hit. Last hitting is far more important than consuming enemies, and support is responsible for consuming opponents. Then you need to pay more attention to position: when to retreat, when to trade damage, and how to trade more damage or some summoner spell with the minimum cost. In addition, you have to be calm and know when to take dragon, when to destroy turret and when to last hit. Watch out for the most threatening opponent at any moment in team fight, and don't appear in the battlefield before he casts ult. 


《英雄联盟》是一款moba类的竞技网络游戏,是由拳头游戏开发,中国地区是由腾讯游戏代理运营的一块竞技游戏,快吧为了LOL用户们汇总了最全的活动、资讯、攻略以及相关热门的内容,赶紧来关注快吧LOL专区吧。 ...
